
ULA Introduces RapidLaunch to Improve Order-to-Launch Times
[Via Satellite 09-14-2016] United Launch Alliance (ULA) announced a new service called RapidLaunch, which it claims provides the customer the fastest schedule from the initial order to launch service in the industry today. According to Tory Bruno, ULA CEO and president, this new offering allows customers to launch in a few as three months from...
ULA Introduces RapidLaunch to Improve Order-to-Launch Times
Blue Origin Introduces New Glenn, its Reusable, Vertical-Landing Booster
[Via Satellite 09-13-2016] Blue Origin has introduced New Glenn, its new reusable, vertical-landing booster. Named in honor of John Glenn, the first American to orbit Earth, New Glenn is 23 feet in diameter and lifts off with 3.85 million pounds of thrust from seven BE-4 engines. Burning liquefied natural gas and liquid oxygen, these are...
Blue Origin Introduces New Glenn, its Reusable, Vertical-Landing Booster
Vector Space Systems Wins $2.5 Million in NASA and DARPA Contracts
[Via Satellite 09-13-2016] NASA has selected Vector Space Systems’ Phase 2 proposal under the 2015 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program to continue development of an advanced prototype of the upper stage for the Vector-R launch vehicle. The contract, proposed through Vector’s acquired Garvey Spacecraft Corporation subsidiary, complements an earlier SBIR...
Vector Space Systems Wins $2.5 Million in NASA and DARPA Contracts
ISRO Selects Arianespace to Launch GSAT 11 Communications Satellite
[Via Satellite 09-13-2016] The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has selected Arianespace to launch its GSAT 11 telecommunications satellite. An Ariane 5 rocket will launch the satellite from the Guiana Space Center in Kourou, French Guiana, in 2017. The GSAT-11 satellite, designed, assembled and integrated by ISRO, will weigh about 5,725 kg at launch. GSAT-11...
ISRO Selects Arianespace to Launch GSAT 11 Communications Satellite
Air Force, Aerojet Rocketdyne Give Boost to Hydrocarbon and AR1 Engines
[Via Satellite 09-08-2016] Aerojet Rocketdyne has successfully completed its final test series on its sub-scale oxygen rich preburner as part of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Hydrocarbon Boost Technology Demonstrator (HBTD) program. Aerojet Rocketdyne tested the preburner at full power and full duration to provide key insights for future engines that use this...
Air Force, Aerojet Rocketdyne Give Boost to Hydrocarbon and AR1 Engines
ESA Selects Arianespace's Vega to launch Atmospheric Dynamics Mission Satellite in 2017
[Via Satellite 09-08-2016] Arianespace has signed a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) to launch the ADM-Aeolus satellite, a key mission within the scope of Europe’s Earth Explorer program. ADM-Aeolus will provide global observations of 3-D wind profiles from space, enabling scientists to refine the currently known characteristics and improve techniques for modeling and...
ESA Selects Arianespace's Vega to launch Atmospheric Dynamics Mission Satellite in 2017
SpaceX Begins Search for Cause of Falcon 9 Anomaly
[Via Satellite 09-06-2016] Following the Sept. 1 Falcon 9 explosion that destroyed both the rocket and its Spacecom satellite payload, SpaceX has begun investigating the causes and fixes for the anomaly. During the company’s standard pre-launch static fire, intended to demonstrate the health of the vehicle prior to launch, an anomaly took place about eight minutes...
SpaceX Begins Search for Cause of Falcon 9 Anomaly
Yuzhnoye Bringing Ukraine’s Cyclone 4 Launch Vehicle to North America
[Via Satellite 09-02-2016] The State Space Agency of Ukraine has authorized the Yuzhnoye Design Office in Dnipro, Ukraine to proceed with a new international launch complex and operations in North America based on the existing Cyclone 4 rocket. The company is beginning a search for business and investment partners to develop the launch infrastructure and...
Yuzhnoye Bringing Ukraine’s Cyclone 4 Launch Vehicle to North America
Air Force Secures Cape Canaveral After SpaceX Falcon 9 Explosion
[Via Satellite 09-02-2016] Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Emergency Operations personnel have secured the area surrounding Space Launch Complex 40 following the explosion of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket with the Spacecom Amos 6 satellite yesterday at 9:07a.m. The first responders quickly secured the area surrounding the pad and ensured there were no hazardous effects to...
Air Force Secures Cape Canaveral After SpaceX Falcon 9 Explosion