
Jeff Bezos: Day One in the Space Industry
It is not every day you get to interview one of the world’s most celebrated entrepreneurs and businessmen but I got the opportunity last March during the SATELLITE 2018 Conference & Exhibition in Washington, D.C. Even though I have done many interviews with CEOs all over the world, I still feel the buzz going to...
Jeff Bezos: Day One in the Space Industry
Cyber Expert Lays Out Threat to the Satellite Industry
Lisa Forte, founder of Red Goat Cybersecurity, and who has previously worked for U.K. Police in its cybercrime units, spoke to Via Satellite about how she perceives the cyber threat to the satellite industry. Forte believes as we have become reliant on satellites as part of our overall infrastructure, they will undoubtedly become more attractive...
Cyber Expert Lays Out Threat to the Satellite Industry
The New LEO Trend and the Opportunity for Russia
By design, every global project brings opportunities and threats, even for strong aerospace players like Russia. The biggest opportunity lies in revenue increase across several aerospace segments: Launch services and launch vehicle production. Nine Russian vehicles have already been contracted to launch the biggest part of the OneWeb constellation; more launches are waiting for official confirmation. Other...
The New LEO Trend and the Opportunity for Russia
Day One on the Horizon for the Satellite Industry
It is not every day you get to interview one of the world’s most recognized and admired business people, but that is what happened at the SATELLITE 2018 Conference & Exhibition when I sat down with Jeff Bezos to talk about all things Blue Origin as well as Bezos’ only background in the space industry....
Day One on the Horizon for the Satellite Industry
NSR Sees $250B Opportunity for Satellite Manufacturing, Launch Markets
Northern Sky Research’s (NSR) Satellite Manufacturing and Launch Services, 8th Edition report finds that despite a slow 2017, across the board, the global satellite manufacturing and launch market is poised to generate in excess of $250 billion in the next decade. As both commercial and government players begin deploying constellations, turning to SmallSats to provide more flexibility across...
NSR Sees $250B Opportunity for Satellite Manufacturing, Launch Markets
Startup Space Spotlight: OSS Takes Inspiration from Origami
Oxford Space Systems (OSS) is a deployable antennas and systems manufacturer that builds its hardware using “origami-inspired techniques” and lightweight, low-cost, flight-proven materials. Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mike Lawton launched the company as part of the NewSpace wave in 2013, serving satellite prime contractors such as Airbus Defense & Space, Thales Alenia Space,...
Startup Space Spotlight: OSS Takes Inspiration from Origami
Orbital Tracking Reports Its Strongest Quarter
Orbital Tracking has reported financial results for the three months ended March 31, showing the company’s wholly owned subsidiaries, Global Telesat Communications and Orbital Satcom, having achieved combined revenue growth of 20.7 percent. Comparable revenue for Global Telesat Communications increased 7.5 percent. Comparable revenue for Orbital Satcom was $531,222, an increase of $90,571 or 20.6 percent....
Orbital Tracking Reports Its Strongest Quarter
Lawmakers Concerned About NASA Delays as They Look at 2019 Bill
The House Appropriations Committee is warning NASA that lawmakers will not put up with further delays in the agency’s space-exploration missions. In a new report explaining the fiscal year 2019 Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill, the committee expresses concern that the delays have occurred despite “record investments” in NASA. “These slips are intolerable and must not continue,”...
Lawmakers Concerned About NASA Delays as They Look at 2019 Bill
The Challenges Ahead for Satellite Communications in LatAm
After my recent visit to SATELLITE 2018, the most important event of the satellite communications industry, I would like to highlight the main challenges and focus of the industry going forward, contemplating their potential impact in Latin America. The common theme on everyone´s agenda underscores the following questions: what does the ecosystem need in order...
The Challenges Ahead for Satellite Communications in LatAm
Eutelsat’s Results: The 'Other’ Side of the Story Fails to Impress
During Eutelsat’s third quarter results, issued May 14, the main subject of conversation was the revenues in the “other” category — usually a footnote in many results. Eutelsast’s revenues are broken down into video, government services, fixed data, mobile connectivity and fixed broadband. In the three months to the end of March, however, “other” revenue...
Eutelsat’s Results: The 'Other’ Side of the Story Fails to Impress