
Digital Video Compression: On a Roll
by Peter J. Brown Rapid changes are transforming the broadcast world. Caching; pull or on-demand services; automation; new displays and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are having an impact on every...
Satellite 2000: A Stellar Week for the Industry
by the Phillips Satellite Group This year’s installment of the Phillips satellite conference series, Satellite 2000, was another record-breaking event, both in terms of attendees and in the news and...
New Players: Invasion of the dot.coms
By Theresa Foley The once elite club of satellite companies is attracting new members as Internet, media and telecom firms try to capture some of the huge growth in the...
Launch Vehicles: Taking an industry to the Stars
by Theresa Foley The higher-performance, more cost-effective expendable launch vehicles that satellite owners have desired for many years are joining the ranks of demonstrated flying machines as the new millennium...
Regulatory Review: Paper Satellites--No End In Sight
By Gerry Oberst Hope that the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) could decrease the flood of “paper satellites” plaguing the industry has been dashed by reports coming from the Geneva-based organization....
Global Vsat Review: The Pop Heard Round The World
by David Hartshorn As historic moments go, this one was decidedly understated. The doors of Cable & Satellite Russia had long since been closed, the exhibit hall was nearly empty,...