Italian public broadcaster RAI has established a holding company that will combine its Internet and satellite TV units (Interspace 694). Announcing the initiative on May 8, RAI president Roberto Zaccaria...
RTL Television continued to be Germany’s most watched television channel in May. According to the latest GfK figures, the Cologne-based channel reached an average audience market share among viewers of...
By Peter Brown At the Internet Protocol (IP) via satellite cafe, voice over IP (VoIP) has slipped quite quietly onto the menu. Is VoIP via satellite ready for the main...
by Gerry Oberst A small provision in the recent Intelsat privatization law adopted by the United States in mid-March this year could have large implications for the international satellite field....
By Katie McConnell Halfway through the first year of the 21st century (or halfway through the last year of the 20th century, depending on which philosophy you subscribe to), the...
By Mark Crossman and Anh Steininger Panamsat has finally outlined its long-awaited Internet strategy, Net/36, and this will be very positive for the company’s growth prospects going forward. Unfortunately, investors...
By Theresa Foley The face of competition for satellite services in Latin America is changing. Restructurings at Satmex and Embratel are transforming those companies into more effective players. At the...
by David Hahn, Thomas T. Griffith and Stefan J. Van Rafelghem Imagine having the ability to upload instructions to a satellite or other space system via electronic mail. Or retrieving...
by Theresa Foley If you’ve ever tried watching live video on your Internet terminal at home, chances are that unless you are one of the lucky two million U.S. broadband...
by David Hartshorn Those not already fluent in Spanish and Portuguese would be well advised to invest in a crash course. While Latin America has traditionally comprised less than 15...