BSkyB launched its Sky News Active digital service Monday (June 27). The system uses the equivalent of two digital transmission streams to deliver up to five simultaneous channels on mini-screens....
A new meeting between Telecom Italia president Roberto Colaninno and News Corp boss Rupert Murdoch regarding the future of Italian digital satellite TV platform Stream is planned for this week....
German digital pay-TV platform operator Premiere World is considering a return to retail sales in addition to the currently favoured rental model. According to industry sources, it is planned to...
BBC Worldwide says its aggregated distribution count for its global channels now tops 300 million homes. Revealing details from BBC Worldwide’s Annual Report & Accounts (to March 31 this year),...
German music channel Viva is planning to turn itself into a multimedia brand with multimedia brand with ambitions to expand into the United States. According to chairman Dieter Gorny, the...
Italy’s antitrust regulator has started formal proceedings against Canal+-owned Italian digital TV platform Tele+, claiming that it used its dominant position to buy up an excessive share of TV rights...
The prime ministers of Germany’s regional states have agreed to make a number of changes to the national media law. At the heart of the new legislation is the increase...
ITN has named August 1 as the launch date for the ITN News Channel. Describing the venture as the “World’s first fully convergent digital news channel” ITN chief executive Stewart...
Europe Online founder Candace Johnson – and still President of the Board – has brought in Dennis Hightower, most recently president of Disney Consumer Products in Paris, as CEO “to...
Institutional investors have unloaded their holdings in Globalstar in a telling sign that they expect the company ultimately to file for bankruptcy, a panel of industry analysts have said. The...