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New Zealand Port captured by GBDX WorldView-3. Photo: DigitalGlobe.
DigitalGlobe announced a partnership with Esri and Harris Corporation, which will enable Esri users to access DigitalGlobe’s 17-year, time-lapse library of high-resolution satellite imagery and the analytical and deep learning tools needed to unlock actionable insights from that imagery at scale.
The new AllAccess+Analytics service integrates DigitalGlobe’s Geospatial Big Data (GBDX) platform, with Esri’s ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 platform and Harris’ Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) remote sensing analytics portfolio. This offering allows subscribers to select DigitalGlobe imagery for hosting in the GBDX platform and to leverage GBDX machine-learning algorithms, including capabilities developed by DigitalGlobe’s ecosystem of GBDX developers, Esri Raster analytics, and ENVI analytics in an integrated environment. Users will be able to access and define the analytics to be performed within their federated enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS) to gain new insights from Earth observation data, according to DigitalGlobe.
“AllAccess+Analytics truly makes the massive temporal archive of DigitalGlobe imagery quickly accessible both for viewing and analysis,” said Peter Becker, product manager for imagery at Esri. “By running ArcGIS Image Server next to the cloud storage, access to the information content in the imagery is significantly improved.”
DigitalGlobe will sell the AllAccess+Analytics subscription service to Esri customers licensed for ArcGIS Image Server 10.5 (deployed in Amazon Web Services US-EAST-1 region). The service will be launched to a select number of initial customers in the coming months, with broader availability later in the year.
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